Blend Material

Short Description

A tool for editing and blending material properties for texture creation.


The Blend Material tool allows users to edit and combine various material properties, enabling the creation of complex textures. It provides control over different color layers and their attributes, allowing for detailed customization of materials.


Base Properties

  • Objects: Objects to work on

  • R Weight: Controls the weight of the R layer

  • G Weight: Controls the weight of the G layer

  • B Weight: Controls the weight of the B layer

  • S Weight: Controls the weight of the S layer

  • T Weight: Controls the weight of the T layer

  • Global Tiling: Adjusts the tiling of all layers

  • Height Contrast: Enhances height contrast

  • Height Intensity: Enhances height intensity

  • Height Noise: Enhances height noise. This creates a nice breakup from the height map

  • Height Noise Scale: Adjusts the scale of noise

  • Height Noise Intensity: Adjusts the intensity of noise

  • Wetness: Controls the wetness of the material

  • Displacement: Sets the displacement level

Base Layer

  • Base Material Instance: If you provide a material instance, we'll extract its Albedo/Normal/Roughness maps and use them in this layer.

  • Base Hue: Adjusts the hue of the material

  • Base Saturation: Adjusts color saturation

  • Base Brightness: Controls brightness levels

  • Base Contrast: Sets the contrast ratio

  • Base Roughness: Modifies the surface roughness

  • Base Roughness Contrast: Modifies the surface roughness

  • Base Normal: Controls normal map intensity

  • Base Tiling X: Adjusts the tiling of textures

  • Base Tiling Y: Adjusts the tiling of textures

R Layer

  • R Height Softness: Softens the height blending layer

  • R Height Invert: Inverts the height blending layer

  • R Material Instance: If you provide a material instance, we'll extract its Albedo/Normal/Roughness maps and use them in this layer.

  • R Hue: Adjusts the hue of the material

  • R Saturation: Adjusts color saturation

  • R Brightness: Controls brightness levels

  • R Contrast: Sets the contrast ratio

  • R Roughness: Modifies the surface roughness

  • R Roughness Contrast: Modifies the surface roughness contrast

  • R Normal: Controls normal map intensity

  • R Tiling: Adjusts the tiling of textures

  • R Albedo Blend: Adjusts the blending of the albedo layer

  • R Roughness Blend: Adjusts the blending of the roughness layer

  • R Normal Blend: Adjusts the blending of the normal layer

  • R Slope: Adjusts the blending of the slope layer

  • R Slope Softness: Softens the slope blending layer

G Layer

  • G Material Instance: If you provide a material instance, we'll extract its Albedo/Normal/Roughness maps and use them in this layer.

  • G Height Softness: Softens the height blending layer

  • G Height Invert: Inverts the height blending layer

  • G Hue: Adjusts the hue of the material

  • G Saturation: Adjusts color saturation

  • G Brightness: Controls brightness levels

  • G Contrast: Sets the contrast ratio

  • G Roughness: Modifies the surface roughness

  • G Roughness Contrast: Modifies the surface roughness contrast

  • G Normal: Controls normal map intensity

  • G Tiling: Adjusts the tiling of textures

  • G Albedo Blend: Adjusts the blending of the albedo layer

  • G Roughness Blend: Adjusts the blending of the roughness layer

  • G Normal Blend: Adjusts the blending of the normal layer

  • G Slope: Adjusts the blending of the slope layer

  • G Slope Softness: Softens the slope blending layer

Puddle (B) Layer

  • B Height Softness: Softens the height blending layer

  • B Height Invert: Inverts the height blending layer

  • B Depth: Controls the depth of the water layer

  • B Movement: Controls the movement of the water layer

  • B Hue: Adjusts the hue of the material

  • B Saturation: Adjusts color saturation

  • B Brightness: Controls brightness levels

  • B Contrast: Sets the contrast ratio

  • B Roughness: Modifies the surface roughness

  • B Roughness Contrast: Modifies the surface roughness contrast

  • B Normal: Controls normal map intensity

  • B Tiling: Adjusts the tiling of textures

  • B Albedo Blend: Adjusts the blending of the albedo layer

  • B Roughness Blend: Adjusts the blending of the roughness layer

  • B Normal Blend: Adjusts the blending of the normal layer

  • B Slope: Adjusts the blending of the slope layer

  • B Slope Softness: Softens the slope blending layer

Snow (S) Layer

  • S Height Multiplier: Adjusts the global displacement intensity

  • S Height Contrast: Modifies height of snow

  • S Height: Modifies sharpness of snow

  • S Slope: Controls snow accumulation based on slope

  • S Position X: Adjusts the position on the X axis

  • S Position Y: Adjusts the position on the Y axis

  • S Rotation: Rotate snow texture

  • S Tiling: Adjusts tiling of snow textures

  • S Brightness: Snow brightness

  • S Color Contrast: Snow contrast

  • S Albedo Blend: Blend snow albedo with surface

  • S Subsurface Intensity: Controls subsurface value

  • S Roughness Contrast: Controls roughness contrast of snow

  • S Roughness Blend: Blend snow roughness with surface

  • S Normal Intensity: Modifies normal intensity of snow

  • S Normal Blend: Blend snow normal with surface normal

  • S Noise: Amount of noise on Snow

  • S Noise Sharpness: sharpness of Snow noise

Rain (T) Layer

  • T Drip Tiling: Adjusts the tiling of the rain drip texture

  • T Drips Length: Adjusts the length of the rain drip texture

  • T Drips Strength: Adjusts the strength of the rain drip texture

  • T Droplet Strength: Adjusts the strength of the rain droplet texture

  • T Droplets: Adjusts the number of rain droplets

  • T Droplets Tiling: Adjusts the tiling of the rain droplet texture

  • T Ripple Motion: Adjusts the motion of the rain ripple texture

  • T Ripple Size: Adjusts the size of the rain ripple texture

Last updated


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