Quick Pipe

Short Description

A tool for creating customizable mesh pipes along input curves.


Quick Pipe provides functionality to create mesh pipes along specified input curves. It allows users to customize the pipe's properties such as radius, profile, and caps to fit their specific modeling needs.


Base Properties

  • Curves: Curves to create a pipe around

  • Radius: Controls the radius of the pipe

Pipe Settings

  • Sides: Controls the side divisions of the profile

  • Custom Profile: You can pass another curve to use as your pipe's profile

  • Custom Profile Scale: When a custom profile is provided, this value controls its size

  • Open Profile: If checked, the profile's sides will be opened

  • Close Caps: If checked, the pipes will be closed with a cap

  • Normalized UVs: When turned off, the UVs will be tiled depending on the mesh length in the scene

  • Normals Angle: Normals angle of the generated pipe mesh

Last updated


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