Curve Tool
Short Description
An interactive tool for drawing and editing curves and splines.
The Curve Tool is an interactive tool that allows users to draw and manipulate curves and splines easily. It provides options for filtering the drawing area and customizing the properties of curves, making it versatile for various design needs.
Base Properties
Draw Mode: Choose the way you draw curves
Filter Objects: Provide scene objects to use as filter. Use the filter type below to define how to treat those objects.
Filter Mode: You can decide to 'draw only' on certain objects, or to 'draw everywhere except' some specific objects by changing the filter type.
Curve Degree: Select the curve degree for the next or the active curve
Initial Smooth: Default smooth value for the created freeform curves
Min Spacing: Minimum pixel distance used for creating the curve
Hit Offset: Set a default offset to move the curves from the hit meshes
Create Mesh: Toggle to create a mesh from the drawn curve
Start Drawing: Click here to enter the draw context
Edit Strength: Multiplier used with MMB actions. If you increase it, the edit will affect way more the curves. If you work with very big or very small scales, you can change it accordingly.
Avoid Smooth Intersections: When curves are drawn on mesh, smoothing might generate intersections. With this option on, the smoothed curves will avoid to go inside meshes.
Mesh Options
Mesh Initial Radius: Initial radius used for the pipe mesh
Mesh Initial Max Radius: Initial max radius used for the mesh, to create random variations if different from the other one
Radius Affects Offset: Indicates whether the radius affects the offset of drawn curves
Mesh On Exit: Pick the behavior for the created meshes after you exit the drawing context
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