Mesh Scatter

Short Description

A tool to scatter objects on an input mesh's components.


Scatter objects on the components of the input mesh. This tool allows users to distribute meshes over the vertices, faces, or edges of a specified surface mesh, providing control over scaling and rotation parameters.


Base Properties

  • Surface Meshes: Meshes whose components will be used as the scatter coordinates.

  • Scatter Meshes: Meshes to scatter on the "Component Meshes" input.

  • Component Type: Select which component you want to scatter meshes on (Vertex, Face, or Edge).

  • Max Scale: Maximum scale of every instance.

  • Min Scale: Minimum scale of every instance.

  • Random Spin: If checked, the "Angle Spin" property is ignored, and all instances are randomly spinned.

  • Angle Spin: Spins all instances towards the input angle.

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