Volume Hide Tool
Short Description
A tool for hiding objects inside defined bounding volumes.
The Volume Hide Tool allows users to define specific bounding boxes that hide selected objects within a designated area. By utilizing this tool, users can manage the visibility of different elements in a scene based on their interactions with these volumes.
Base Properties
Volumes: Specify the volumes you want to use for hiding areas of your level.
Enabled: Turn on and off the effect of the tool.
Behavior: Defines how objects are hidden based on their interaction with the volumes: 'Hide Inside' means an object must be completely inside to be hidden, while 'Hide Intersecting' hides objects even if they are partially inside.
Include Meshes: Affect the mesh actors visibility.
Include Blueprints: Affect the blueprint actors visibility.
Include Instances: Affect the instancer actors visibility.
Include Volumes: Affect the volume actors visibility.
Include Lights: Affect the light actors visibility.
Include Decals: Affect the decal actors visibility.
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