Blend Material Toool
Blend Material
Version: 1.0
Open the blend material editor
Base Properties
Name | Description | Type |
Objects | Objects to work on | Actor |
R Weight | Controls the weight of the R layer | Float |
G Weight | Controls the weight of the G layer | Float |
B Weight | Controls the weight of the B layer | Float |
Global Tiling | Adjusts the tiling of all layers | Float |
Height Contrast | Enhances height contrast | Float |
Height Intensity | Enhances height intensity | Float |
Height Noise | Enhances height noise. This creates a nice breakup from the height map | Float |
Height Noise Scale | Adjusts the scale of noise | Float |
Height Noise Intensity | Adjusts the intensity of noise | Float |
Hue | Adjusts the global hue of all layers | Float |
Saturation | Adjusts the global saturation of all layers | Float |
Brightness | Adjusts the global brightness of all layers | Float |
Contrast | Adjusts the global contrast of all layers | Float |
Wetness | Controls the wetness of the material | Float |
Displacement | Sets the displacement level | Float |
Base Layer
Name | Description | Type |
Base Material Instance | If you provide a material instance, we'll extract its Albedo/Normal/Roughness maps and use them in this layer. | Asset |
R Height Softness | Softens the height blending layer | Float |
R Height Invert | Inverts the height blending layer | Float |
Base Hue | Adjusts the hue of the material | Float |
Base Saturation | Adjusts color saturation | Float |
Base Brightness | Controls brightness levels | Float |
Base Contrast | Sets the contrast ratio | Float |
Base Roughness | Modifies the surface roughness | Float |
Base Roughness Contrast | Modifies the surface roughness | Float |
Base Normal | Controls normal map intensity | Float |
Base Tiling X | Adjusts the tiling of textures | Float |
Base Tiling Y | Adjusts the tiling of textures | Float |
R Layer
Name | Description | Type |
R Material Instance | If you provide a material instance, we'll extract its Albedo/Normal/Roughness maps and use them in this layer. | Asset |
R Height Softness | Softens the height blending layer | Float |
R Height Invert | Inverts the height blending layer | Float |
R Hue | Adjusts the hue of the material | Float |
R Saturation | Adjusts color saturation | Float |
R Brightness | Controls brightness levels | Float |
R Contrast | Sets the contrast ratio | Float |
R Roughness | Modifies the surface roughness | Float |
R Roughness Contrast | Modifies the surface roughness contrast | Float |
R Normal | Controls normal map intensity | Float |
R Tiling | Adjusts the tiling of textures | Float |
R Albedo Blend | Adjusts the blending of the albedo layer | Float |
R Roughness Blend | Adjusts the blending of the roughness layer | Float |
R Normal Blend | Adjusts the blending of the normal layer | Float |
R Slope | Adjusts the blending of the slope layer | Float |
R Slope Softness | Softens the slope blending layer | Float |
G Layer
Name | Description | Type |
G Material Instance | If you provide a material instance, we'll extract its Albedo/Normal/Roughness maps and use them in this layer. | Asset |
G Height Softness | Softens the height blending layer | Float |
G Height Invert | Inverts the height blending layer | Float |
G Hue | Adjusts the hue of the material | Float |
G Saturation | Adjusts color saturation | Float |
G Brightness | Controls brightness levels | Float |
G Contrast | Sets the contrast ratio | Float |
G Roughness | Modifies the surface roughness | Float |
G Roughness Contrast | Modifies the surface roughness contrast | Float |
G Normal | Controls normal map intensity | Float |
G Tiling | Adjusts the tiling of textures | Float |
G Albedo Blend | Adjusts the blending of the albedo layer | Float |
G Roughness Blend | Adjusts the blending of the roughness layer | Float |
G Normal Blend | Adjusts the blending of the normal layer | Float |
G Slope | Adjusts the blending of the slope layer | Float |
G Slope Softness | Softens the slope blending layer | Float |
B Layer
Name | Description | Type |
B Height Softness | Softens the height blending layer | Float |
B Height Invert | Inverts the height blending layer | Float |
B Depth | Controls the depth of the water layer | Float |
B Movement | Controls the movement of the water layer | Float |
B Hue | Adjusts the hue of the material | Float |
B Saturation | Adjusts color saturation | Float |
B Brightness | Controls brightness levels | Float |
B Contrast | Sets the contrast ratio | Float |
B Roughness | Modifies the surface roughness | Float |
B Roughness Contrast | Modifies the surface roughness contrast | Float |
B Normal | Controls normal map intensity | Float |
B Tiling | Adjusts the tiling of textures | Float |
B Albedo Blend | Adjusts the blending of the albedo layer | Float |
B Roughness Blend | Adjusts the blending of the roughness layer | Float |
B Normal Blend | Adjusts the blending of the normal layer | Float |
B Slope | Adjusts the blending of the slope layer | Float |
B Slope Softness | Softens the slope blending layer | Float |
Last updated